Install Home Assistant on Proxmox

The following steps are only relevant if you are installing home assistant as a server on Proxmox

  1. From the proxmox console or the SSH terminal (login with putty), issue the following command

Note: If you use the terminal in Proxmox you don’t need sudo, if you use putty you will need sudo or else you will need to shell to the root user with the su - command

  1. Download the install script

3. Install unzip

apt install unzip

4. Edit the install file

sed '/*"gz") gunzip -f $FILE;;/a\ \ *"zip") unzip -o $FILE;;' >

5. Replace the install script with the edited one


6. Change the execution permissions

chmod 755

7. Now you can run


8. That’s it… you should now have Home Assistant installed; however, if you would like to set a static Ip address, follow these steps. in this example I am using the next avalible ip address in my dedicated network.

nmcli c mod $(nmcli -g uuid c) ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses "" ipv4.gateway "" ipv4.dns ","

9. At the root prompt type the following .

nmcli c up $(nmcli -g uuid c)